5 Risk Involve in laundry and dry cleaning franchise


To start a laundry and dry-cleaning franchise you should understand that this industry is more than 5200 crore in valuation. Wise men have said that it is always better to learn from the mistakes of others. This saves a lot of money as well as time.

Starting a laundry or a dry-cleaning franchise involves a lot of risks as well as a lot of profit. To understand it better let’s first talk about the risk involved in the franchisee


Five risks involved in taking a laundry and dry cleaning franchisee:


  1. You can’t work according to your will: sometimes it is really difficult to cope up with the present franchisee as there maybe I need to change in the process according to the consumer's need.
  2. A high amount of royalty: royalty is the regular source of income for many of the franchising companies in the laundry and dry cleaning industry. Sometimes this royalty is quite high.
  3. Lack of training: as this industry is quite new most of the companies lack in giving training to the franchisee. Which results in the loss of revenue and quality as well.
  4. Wrong guidance: most of the franchisees are sold by the sales executive who has no idea about laundry and dry cleaning. Sometimes to prove their point they guide the franchisee in the wrong way.
  5. Undisclosed agreement: due to the lack of proper knowledge of the franchisee many of the companies do not disclose many points in the franchisor disclosure agreement.



Now you can find out the solution for every risk involved and if you are able to find out solutions in advance you'll be able to make a good amount of money in the laundry and dry cleaning industry.

Taking a franchise from a reputed company can be a good option for minimizing all the risks involved in this industry. To know about the companies giving franchisees of laundry and dry cleaning you can go through our blog. You can also check the benefit of taking a franchisee from a good company.
