5 Secret Tips to make laundry business successfull

"5 Tips to Make a laundry business successful

Well, to run a business is not a very difficult task, but to make it a successful business is a very difficult task. Don't worry today in this blog we are going to simplify it. The reason why it is difficult is that this is a part of creativity. If you are a creative person then only you can make a laundry business successful. We Are sharing with you the five secret tips to make a laundry business successful that we have tried and tested in our journey of laundry and dry cleaning. The secrets will not only work in India but they will work abroad also. Because this is a service industry and human psychology is more or less the same in every part of the world. So without wasting any time let's go for the five secret tips.


1. Shout loud:

If you want to shout, then shout out loud. It generally means that if you want to market yourself in a very bold way, do it. Suppose you have a marketing budget of rupees X, then spend all of the marketing budget in your season time. Now think about it, if there is no Apple on the tree will you throw your Limited stones at the tree? You are not that kind of a fool. Spend your marketing budget wisely.

2. Marketing calendar:

If you are in the service industry then you should have a marketing calendar, when I say marketing calendar I mean that there are so many festivals in a year you should have a special discount or a scheme for every festival and you have to celebrate every festival irrespective of your religion. For example, if there is a Christmas you should have a Centre discount or a lottery for your all valuable customers.

3. Something different

Always try to do something different. People love different things, this is a part of psychology. Steve Jobs the famous founder of the Apple startup once said that people don't buy things they buy feelings. And when I say something different I meant to say that they should feel different.

4. Quality

The laundry industry is not about quantity it's about quality. This is the axis around which this whole industry revolves around. If you are not particular about the quality then no matter how good you market you will find yourself at loss.


5. Customer support

It's not always a happy customer which will take you to the heights but it is always the unhappy customer who will take you to hell. I think you understood what I meant to say. There is not even a single person on this planet earth who can remain angry for more than 30 minutes. Always remember that the anger is due to some problem and as the problem is resolved the anger will be gone. An apology is something which is really very cheap. Try to solve Customer problems as soon as possible.


Wish you all the best

Keep learning keep washing keep earning
