Things you should know before starting a dry cleaning business

"How do I start a dry cleaning business?

Starting a dry cleaning business is a very good choice when it’s come to low-investment businesses in India. In India, most of the dry cleaning is done by hand, or laundry is done in the name of dry-cleaning by professional dobbies. To start a dry cleaning business you can start by taking dry-cleaning business franchisee. Which is the easiest way to start a dry cleaning business. If you want to start on your own, Then you should know a number of things.


Five things you should know before starting a dry cleaning business


Less availability of skilled labour:

As you know that before 2021 there were no official training centres for dry cleaning, It was very difficult to hire very skilled labour. Moreover, this labour is unreliable. Most of the work was done by hand.

Old age labour class:

one of the biggest problems that dry-cleaning industry faced was that there were no technological improvements and no increase in wages, so most of the Dhobi sent their children to other fields as a result we usually find old-age labourers in this industry.

Lack of chemical knowledge:

Till now Dhobis have kept the secret of knowledge of Chemicals from the owner and have transferred this secret only to their blood relations. This makes it very difficult for the owner to work independently and in this way, this work depends on the labourers.

Old technology:

In most of the Indian states, we find old technology which is no longer efficient when it’s come to new clothes and new designer dresses. This old technology is also not very efficient in terms of money-saving, efficiency, and power-saving. So it leads to failure is in the business.

No up-gradation:

Till 2018 there was no cheap software in the market and there were no official laundry and dry cleaning Associations in India. There was no online training available so the owners of the dry-cleaning shop have to depend on their past experience and follow all the old methods of dry cleaning.



In 2021 things have been changed as there is D.L.A.I the official dry cleaning and Laundry Association of India which has given me a very good platform to interact with others. Dry Cleaners as well as to introduce new technologies knowledge and a new way of doing work. clean craft Institute of dry cleaning and Laundry was the 1st to start dry-cleaning training as well as Laundry training.  the clean craft was the first company to start online power classes for young businessmen.  the clean craft was the first company to write a book with name a guide to dry cleaning and laundry. So all the five problems which were earlier hampering new businessmen from stepping into the laundry and dry cleaning business was solved.