Laundry business investment

"Laundry business investment

Laundry is the future business for India. A laundry business does not require a large investment. You can start this business for under 10 lakh Rupees. You can start a small shop with min investment of 2 lakh using the domestic machine as well.  But if you want to open a commercial, well-equipped shop then You require:-

  • 2 laundry stackers 10kg
  • A press table
  • A boiler 4kw

Manpower required in laundry

You need

  • A laundry boy.
  • A pick and drop boy.
  •  A manager.

Electric load 10 Kw in a live laundry set-up



So the investment in the laundry business after all that is around 10 lakh Rs.
