Scope of dry cleaning and laundry in India

"Scope of dry cleaning and laundry in India

Indian market is huge and so is its potential. Though there are so many brands in the market still they all are making a good profit due to the never-ending demand from customers. The demand for commercial laundry and dry cleaning has grown tremendously in the past few years. India has the largest growing middle class.  According to a survey it was estimated that this sector is worth $ 76 Billion and it is increasing with time.


Garment industries have also been increasing and new designs have been introduced by the industry. Dry cleaning is the only option for the consumer to clean their new and designer garments.

Moreover, in India in nuclear families, couples are working and have less time to do their laundry. A new market has been created so far for retail laundry as well.


Big Garment Giant has increased the demand for commercial laundry as well. But India has seen a drastic increase in demand with the growth of the tour and travel industry. More and more hotels are increasing day by day so is their demand for laundry.

Spas, and saloons have also contributed to this industry.

Railways and airlines have also contributed to the growth of the laundry industry. The hospital industry has also contributed to this sector.

One of the recent changes that have come is the concern for hygiene. Customer behaviour has changed. Customers are looking for more safety and here comes the role of the Anti-fungal and anti-microbial chemicals and detergent industry. The chemical industry has seen growth in the past few years as well


One of the recent trends is the increasing demand for skilled labour in India as well as abroad. The only problem is the traditional training which is provided from one generation to another and the second is that there is no official training centre from the government.
