What is a live studio in dry cleaning and laundry industry

Well, there is a big confusion when it’s come to a live studio concept in India. India is very new to this live studio concept of dry cleaning and laundry.  Many companies are selling laundry in the name of dry cleaning and live studio concepts. Well, we are Indian and we believe in others too early. So let's find out what is actually a live dry cleaning and laundry studio.



As the name suggests a live studio is a place where all the process is done in front of the customer or in the same shop and no cloth is taken outside the shop for processing, not even starch. Well shocked!! Yes, this actually a live studio.

In India, a plant model or outsourced model is prominent even in metropolitan cities like Delhi.  Actually, a small collection centre is set up and cloth is collected via Maruti Ecco or something like that and it is taken to the plant. You will be shocked to hear that only 1 % Plant in India have Dry cleaning machine and all the process is done with water and by hands. Mean hand laundry is actually called dry cleaning to fool the customer. I was shocked when I hear that. But the truth is actual dry cleaning is too costly and customers are not willing to pay. Second is the competition with the dhobies. As dhobies don’t have any open. The third is customers are not educated about it. Most of the Indian think dry cleaning as petrol wash.


Installing machines in the store do not make it a live studio.

Well before 2015, a live studio uses to cost 65 lakh approx.. and area of near about 650 sq. ft. and yes of course it was a huge investment, moreover market was not prepared for it.

2018 we the coming of the programmable machine and Korean dry cleaning machine it was made possible to set up a  live studio in 27-28 lakh.




CAUTION: Business model selling or franchise model selling companies are selling laundromats in the name of live studio and laundry in the name of dry cleaning.

Budget to set up dry cleaning and laundry live studio business

There are two model

    • One with wet cleaning machine- 16 lakh approx.
    • One with both wet cleaning and dry cleaning machine  -27 lakh approx.


Machine required to set up dry cleaning and laundry live studio


    • A 14 kg wet cleaning
    • An 18 kg dryer gas heated
    • Boiler 4kW
    • Press table 4’ 6’
    • Packaging machine
    • Spotting table
    • 14kg multi solvent cold filtration 2 tank dry cleaning machine




Well, a multi-solvent dry cleaning machine is optional but if you install this machine your errors or percentage of spoiling the cloth will be reduced to 1%. Which is I personally think excellent.
